Webinar on AI ad replacement for sports agencies, leagues and broadcasters
Join us to learn how our advanced AI technology is helping sports organisations increase revenue and improve viewer experience by replacing standard real-time advertising.

Enter your email address to register for the webinar
During this short and intense webinar, we will explain:
How to replace logos and integrate 3-D without changing equipment or the promotion
How agencies and broadcasters can upsell and sell one placement multiple times
How we taught AI to work with handheld camera, shadows and sight overlays
How we make ad exchange accessible by simplifying processes
How to become our partner and try the technology in your broadcast in just a few weeks?
...and answer your questions that you can share below in the Q&A section
We will calculate the cost of integration and revenue forecast FREE OF CHARGE!
For all participants
Already have questions?
Leave them in the registration form and we will answer them during the webinar or in a personal email!
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